ABRSM Βιολί Grade 4 2012-2015


  1. Anon. 13th-century French Estampie royal, arr. Huws Jones
  2. Leclair Musette: 3rd movt from Sonata in G, Op. 1 No. 8, arr. David
  3. McGibbon Adagio: 1st movt from Sonata No. 5 in C minor
  4. Αρκάντζελο Κορέλι Allemanda: 2nd movt from Sonata in F, Op. 5 No. 10
  5. J. Gibbs Aria and Variation 3: from Sonata in D minor, Op. 1 No. 1
  6. F. M. Veracini Largo e nobile: 1st movt from Sonata No. 1 in F (1716)


  1. C.-A. de Bériot Mélodie: from Méthode de violon, Op. 102, arr. Dezaire and van Rompaey
  2. Αντονίν Ντβόρζακ Scherzo: 3rd movt from Sonatina in G, Op. 100
  3. Neil Mackay Ambleside: from A Tuneful Introduction to the Third Position
  4. C. Dancla Rondo (from Introduction and Rondo): No. 12 from Petite école de la mélodie, Op. 123, Vol. 2
  5. Kreisler Sicilienne: from Sicilienne and Rigaudon (in the style of Francoeur)
  6. A. Thomas Gavotte (from Mignon)


  1. David Matthews An Alpine Tune
  2. Christopher Norton King Boogie: No. 6 from The Christopher Norton Concert Collection for Violin
  3. Trad. klezmer Congratulations to the Bridegroom and Bride, arr. Cravitz
  4. Kabalevsky Scherzo, arr. Sorokin
  5. Trad. Bosnian The Sultan’s Throne (violin melody), arr. Huws Jones
  6. Pam Wedgwood Falling: from After Hours – Violin